3 nations Trophy – Swiss Derby 2020 – Novice Horse Open PlaceHorseBack numberRiderScore 1Elta Soldier Whiz#52Adrienne Speidel71.0 2ARC Walla Smart#51Adrienne Speidel70.5 3Colonels Black Pearl#57Stephanie Hasler69.5 3Gunna Ruf Ya#117Alex Kubli69.5 3Wimpys Lil Spook#116Morey Fisk69.5 3Miz Boom Gun#172Alexander Ripper69.5 7Addys Lil Step#115Morey Fisk69.0 7Tangy Little Step#169Daniel Schmutz69.0 9Sailorsarcofpride BB#86Sabine Schmid68.5 9Call Me Merada#126Daniel Straumann68.5 9JP Surely Red Dry#58Gabriela Kueng68.5 9Guns Shining Guns#121Evelyne Nepple68.5 9Mr No Guns In Town#77Tiffany Gal68.5 14Nellens Stargun#84Sabine Schmid68.0 14Cielo Del Sol#171Alexander Ripper68.0 16KD Hollywood Dunstar#79Daniel Baumann67.5 16DG Little Rey Merada#100Shirley Schalcher67.5 18Pale From Heaven#99Philipp Kueng67.0 18Iago Smart Olena#155Daniel Schmutz67.0 18ARH Lucky Whiz Dunit#8Lilou Duputel67.0 18TipiTina#174Alexander Ripper67.0 22Pistol Stepped Up#78Vanina Barlier66.5 23Sailistepnic#142Tiffany Gal66.0 23The Great Antares#161Janine Weber66.0 23CS Wallawallaboom#31Gina Maria Schumacher66.0 26Frankiegoestoholywod#68Clémence Neveux64.5 26RHMSpooksgottanumask#129Uwe Wiltz64.5 28Just Plain Trash#90Morey Fisk64.0 29Masked Gunman#75Maximilian Barth61.5 -Im Rubys Lil Star#12Andrea Costa0.0 -Starbright Nite#30Gina Maria Schumacher0.0 -West Starflower#59Hugo Kueng0.0 -Lil Joe Rush#32Iain Bethke0.0 -AC GUNNA BE A SHIN#11Charlene Aubreton0.0 -Hollywood Gunrunner#125Nikolai Stiller0.0 -Colonel Rooster Whiz#64Clémence Neveux0.0 -Wimpy Special Gun#28Catharina Smetsers0.0 -Surprise little gun#3Sabrina Lebaud0.0 -Magic With Hollywood#5Maria Bucher0.0 -Slj Smart Doc#157Jasmin Hager0.0 -Ms Chic Peppy Fritz#63Georgia Wilk0.0 -Einsteins Redneck#13Yara Ledezma0.0 -TR Reinman#147Andrea Costa0.0 -Xtra Little Dr#140Arnaud Girinon0.0 -MS Shiner Fritz#74Nathalie Salie0.0 -CS Sailing Gun#29Gina Maria Schumacher0.0 -Docs Stylish Whiz#162Veronique Parise0.0 -King Joes Whiz#165Constant Lastel0.0 -Slide On Sal#9Martine Ayoul0.0 -SL Customized Grace#56Marisa Speidel0.0 -Maq Flower#96Fabien Boiron0.0 -Boemil Twin Topleus#159Jasmin Hager0.0 -Lone Guns Ginger#144Andrea Costa0.0 -Hang Dun Wimpy#128Felisette Van Wieren0.0 -Spookie Whiz Girl#10Jean-Francois Ayoul0.0 -PPP Peppermint Patty#93Jutta Fischer0.0 -Whizasailinggump BB#156Daniel Schmutz0.0 -Puro Jac#120Nathalie Salie0.0 -Smart Shining Gun#134Sybille Jeske0.0 -Spooks Roxstar#124Nina Zinsli0.0 -Whizcromeabouttorock#22Martina Wolf0.0 -Really a Spook#166Constant Lastel0.0 -Gumps All Mighty BB#55Marisa Speidel0.0